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Welcome to Year 6 / Croeso i Blwyddyn 6!


Below you will find information about the day to day running of Year 6...we hope it helps.

Monday and Tuesday


Pupils arrive at school in their outdoor PE kits - trainers, black tracksuit bottoms/shorts, plain white T-shirt, plain black sweatshirt (school jumpers can be worn).

Earrings ideally removed before school hours. Please send in plasters if earrings cannot be removed.



Spelling Shed - complete 8 games (set Monday, to be completed by Friday)

Maths Shed - complete 5 games (set Friday, to be completed by Monday).


Snack - Snacks brought into school should be healthy (a piece of fruit or a vegetable).


Bottles - Water bottles can be brought in to school, filled only with water.


Reading Logs - Logs need to be signed by a parent and be brought in on MONDAYS ONLY.  Pupils should read at home a minimum of 3x per week.


Google Classroom- Information and work will be shared using this platform daily. This is a vital resource for pupils in Year 6.


Forest School - Forest school days will be on timetabled regularly throughout the year. Children need to bring in a spare pair of trainers/wellies. Please ensure your child has a warm, waterproof coat and hats and gloves when necessary. Forest school sessions take place in all weather conditions. Further information will be provided in advance of these sessions.


Thank you for your ongoing support,

Mrs Prydderch and Mr Dixon


Leavers’ Service

End of year cinema trip followed by Dominos

Sports experience day

Reading Welsh books with Year 1

Performing our Narrative Poems

A visit from M&M Productions - The Little Princess performance

A fantastic final day; some of us developed our survival skills and took to the zip line, while the others had target practice, rifle shooting and played Aero Ball. What a brilliant 3 days we've had! The children have been a credit to Ewloe Green and the weather was on our side - what more could we ask for?!

A great second day, filled with axe throwing, grass sledging, canoeing, kayaking and marshmallows around the campfire!

Exciting beginning to the trip! Poole’s cavern and a woodland walk to start, followed by settling in at Willersley Castle and enjoying our first activities; survival skills, rifle shooting and aeroball!

We’ve had some exciting visitors today! Thanks Holly’s Mum!

Drum workshop lead by AmaSing - 14th March

Y6 Winners for our St David's Day Competition

Year 6 have been learning about the importance of the job of our kidneys on World Kidney Day! #ShowYourKidneys

Developing our use of conjunctions and connectives using outdoor materials.

As part of National Science Week we have been investigating the effect of particle size on the respiratory system.

Y6 Visited Hawarden High for an Internet Safety Workshop - so many great tips for staying safe online!

Outdoor learning - creative writing orienteering task

Creating a Balanced Argument

6th March - so much fun going to watch The Wizard of Oz

5th March - creating great routines during a recent dance workshop

Digital Art British Landscapes

Dydd Dewi Sant Hapus

Bora da!


All of your home learning activities for today are below under the stars. Mr Dixon and I will both be available on Google Classroom throughout the day to respond to your work and answer questions. 


If you do finish, Maths Shed and Spelling Shed are available for you to use.


All tasks are non compulsory but they are there if you would like to complete them. 


If you do manage to get any snow, we would love to see pictures of any snow creations you make! 


Have a good day,


Mrs Prydderch :-)

Aladdin Show

Wheelchair Rugby

Stone Stacking - we used natural materials from the Forest School area to create a stack.

Year 6 have been using the amphitheatre to act out scenes from their class book.

Congratulations to both the Netball and Football teams who took part in local competitions today!

Class 13’s assembly on St Andrew

Supporting Children in Need 2023

Showing our support for Anti-bullying week by wearing odd socks!

Table Tennis Festival - 7th November 2023

Year 5 and 6 pupils took part in a ‘Restart a Heart’ session delivered by a paramedic.

We’re supporting the campaign to irradiate Polio disease - October 2023 💜

We have designed our own Mindfulness Mottos... What do you think?

Girls’ Rugby Festival 12/10/23 - I am super proud of all the girls who taking part - Fantastic sportsmanship shown and brilliant team work. Da iawn!

Outdoor learning - Creating stickman stop motion, linked to our topic of “Conflict”

Painting outdoors + exploring how colours make us feel different emotions.

Supporting World Mental Health Day 2023 #HELLOYELLOW

Some snaps from recently in Year 6 - A visit from PC Lee, Sports Leaders training, maths orienteering,