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Welcome to Year 6 / Croeso i Blwyddyn 6!


Below you will find information about the day to day running of Year 6...we hope it helps.

Monday and Tuesday


Pupils arrive at school in their outdoor PE kits - trainers, black tracksuit bottoms/shorts, plain white T-shirt, plain black sweatshirt (school jumpers can be worn).

Earrings ideally removed before school hours. Please send in plasters if earrings cannot be removed.



Spelling Shed - complete 8 games (set Monday, to be completed by Friday)

Maths Shed - complete 5 games (set Friday, to be completed by Monday).


Snack - Snacks brought into school should be healthy (a piece of fruit or a vegetable).


Bottles - Water bottles can be brought in to school, filled only with water.


Reading Logs - Logs need to be signed by a parent and be brought in on MONDAYS ONLY.  Pupils should read at home a minimum of 3x per week.


Google Classroom- Information and work will be shared using this platform daily. This is a vital resource for pupils in Year 6.


Forest School - Forest school days will be on timetabled regularly throughout the year. Children need to bring in a spare pair of trainers/wellies. Please ensure your child has a warm, waterproof coat and hats and gloves when necessary. Forest school sessions take place in all weather conditions. Further information will be provided in advance of these sessions.


Thank you for your ongoing support,

Mrs Prydderch and Mr Dixon