This week the children have been very busy in school. It is such a wonderful place to be this time of year. This week the children have been writng their letters to Father Christmas in Welsh and have been sharing with everybody the things they would like for Christmas too!
We have really enjoyed writing our letter to Santa.

In Numeracy this week we have been looking at lots of 3D shapes around school. We have been sorting the shapes and using them in pout play.
We have been exploring 3D shapes this week.
The children have really enjoyed decorating the Christmas Tree this week. We also did this interactively on the big screen.
We have loved decorating the Christmas trees. Doesn't it look FANTASTIC !

We have been very this week making lots of lovely Christmas surprises for our families. We have been watching the other children's performances as well as watching Beauty and the Beast.
We have been very busy making lots of lovely Christmas crafts.
Beauty and the Beast - we really enjoyed the Pantomine
Thank you for coming to watch our Christmas Performance. We really enjoyed singing for you we hope it made you happy at Christmas time.

Some Christmas songs just for you !

Next Week. wb
We are looking forward to our Christmas party day on Monday. Please come to school in your party or Christmas clothes in the morning. We have lots of lovely Christmas activities planned for next week including making Gingerbread! Yummy!
Have a lovely weekend and we really hope you enjoyed watching the children's Christmas performance.
Mrs Bentley and Mrs Fewtrell