In Numeracy this week we have been busy measuring different sea creatures using cubes and a trundle wheel.
The children used their skills to make some sea creatures with the play dough. They then used the cubes to measure how long each sea creature was.
This week in Literacy we have been finding out all about China and writing some simple sentences in our Topic books.
We made some China flags, Olympic medals and tasted some noodles too. We even tied our best at using chopsticks!
The children really enjoyed their dancing session with Mr Jones today. We saw some fantastic dancers.

We had a wonderful day representing China for our celebration of the Olympics. The children thoroughly enjoyed all the wonderful activities and Mrs Bentley was extremely proud of all of them.

It was very hard to choose three special children. These children were chosen for their resilience, persistence and overall their fantastic sportsmanship. Da iawn Pawb! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️