What we are learning - 05.02.24
Wow, these weeks have flown by! We can't believe that we are in the final week of this term!
In our Literacy sessions we have been learning about apostrophes. Last week we focused on apostrophes to show possession. This week we are going to look at using an apostrophe to connect two words together e.g. I + am = I'm. The children have been noticing lots of apostrophes when reading too!
In Maths we have been looking at measuring. We are going to continue with measuring length using centimeters and meters. We are getting good at comparing long and short and using a ruler to check the measurements of items around the class.
We have been really enjoying our topic of 'Forces' and learning all about electricity. We loved making circuits last week and making bulbs light up. This week we are going to experiment with conductors and insulators and see if we can make power with a certain fruit.
During our Health and Well Being session we are going to be talking about body parts of both a male and female and the correct terminology for it. This will be done in an age sensitive way and in line with the Curriculum for Wales. Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions.