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Welcome to year 2! We can't wait to get started and have lots to look forward to this year. Please find useful information about year 2 below. Please keep an eye on the page for photographs. Reminders and events will be posted on Google Classroom (when set up)! 


If you need anything please speak to us at the door or call/email the office via the school gateway or




This is a great resource to help your child with spelling and numeracy.  We ask that your child plays 4 of the spelling games and 4 of the maths games per week on EdShed as part of their weekly homework (by Sunday night). If they complete all games they do get a dojo. We will check the lists every Monday. 



Reading books will be changed on Mondays and Thursdays (only if children have finished reading the book). Please return your child’s reading book and reading log each day in their book bag. Please aim to read with your child at least 3 times a week if you can (even if it's just one or two pages). The more you read, the better!

Once your child has finished their book it would be great if you could ask them questions about it, this will help to develop their comprehension skills. Every time you hear your child read please can you make a note in their reading log.

Reading regularly helps your child to develop their confidence and love of reading, their phonic knowledge and it also supports their writing. We will award dojos for regular home reading! 



PE is on Tuesday and Thursday.

Please send your child into school wearing their full PE kit on these days.

If your child has their ears pierced, please ensure they are removed on PE days or covered up with plasters.


We ask that your child comes to school with a labelled water bottle on a Monday and these will be returned home on a Friday. We will fill and wash them in school each day. 


This year the children will have a 'continuous snack' time, this means that they can have their snack during any part of the morning when they would like it.

Please send your child in with a healthy snack each day. Please label your child snack as these will be put into the class snack box. Please note that there will be no school snack this year. 



Many thanks

Mrs Price & Mr Swede