This week the children have been continuing to celebrate Autumn. We have been learning all about Hibernation and exploring the different animals that hibernate.
In our topic books we chose a photograph of one of the animals that we had been looking at and we wrote some sentences describing them. We focused on finger spaces and how they seperated each word.

In our Numeracy books this week we have been helping Harry Hedgehog to add numbers and Sammy squirrel to take away numbers. We have learnt the symbols (-) (+) and (=) and what they mean when we solve mathematical problems.
We have noticed the weather changing this week and have been talking about Jack Frost. The children wanted to know more about it so we had the story too. We have also been finding out about Reindeer and talking about the song 'Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer'. As well as this we have been practising for our assembly and singing our Christmas songs too.
Next week we will be celebrating Hanukkah exploring 2d shapes and writing a welsh poem. We will be continuing to sing our Christmas songs.
Have a lovely weekend Keep Warm!
Mrs Bentley and Mrs Fewtrell