This week we have been getting excited and finding out about Bonfire Night. The children have been writing about how to keep safe, they have been making yummy chocolate apples, making sparklers and have been using their creative skills to make some wonderful Bonfire night Pictures too.
We have also been looking at pumpkins ans describing them using the mathematical language of heavy, light, heaviest, lightest, smallest and. biggest.
In Numeracy this week the children have been identifying one less than a number within 10. They have enjoyed this by workin on a number line using a counter and also have enjoyed a game on the whiteboard too!

In P.E this week the children have been playing some games which have involved finding the number one more or one less than a number that has been shouted out. They enjoyed running, hopping, skipping and jumping to the numbers around the hall and outside too!
We enjoyed using our sparklers in PE to move and dance in the hall. We also used them to form numbers and letters too, we did this to music. It was lots of fun. 😀
We have had lots of lovely discussions this week all about Bonfire Night, the reason why it is celebrated in the UK and the importance of keeping safe.
We have made some great rainbows with the skittles and we were amazed at the patterns we saw with the colours.
We wish you all a wonderful Half Term!
Have lots of fun and keep safe and warm.
Mrs Bentley and Mrs Fewtrell