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Class 8 did a wonderful job with their assembly this morning. Here is them singing their song.

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Wear Green Day for health and well-being.

Gwneud 3D shapes

We have been orienteering and working in teams.

We have enjoyed planting our vegetables. Fingers crossed they grow.

3D shapes outside.

Regular and irregular shapes.

The Little Princess.

Sketching an aerial view of Ewloe Green.

Measuring angles outside.

A fantastic morning playing the cornet with the BBC Orchestra.

World Book Day / comic relief

The children enjoyed our drumming session this morning.

Welsh National Anthem

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Still image for this video

Dydd Gwyl Dewi Sant

Dawnsio Cymraeg

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Still image for this video

Still image for this video

Still image for this video

We have been making up different measurements this week using mm, cm and meters.

What a fantastic Pantomime. The children really enjoyed the performance from M&M productions.

Children carried out a science experiment to see changes in materials.

Year 3 assembly

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Year 3 performed a brilliant year assembly. Here is a sneak peak at their song.

Year 3 sang beautifully at our Christmas concert.

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Still image for this video

Year 3 Organisation 


Croeso i Flwyddyn 3!

 Below you will find information about the day to day running of Year 3...we hope it helps. 



Pupils do not need to use their reading folders previously used in Foundation Phase. Pupils will be given their Reading Log on as soon as the delivery arrives in school. Please can parents sign the days that they have listened to or witnessed their child reading at home (three times a week at least). 

These logs are to be brought back into school every Monday for teachers to monitor. Children will be issued with two reading books per week. One will be sent home whilst one is kept in school. The home reading book can be swapped with the school reading book during the week.



Homework will now be reading at least 3 times per week; EdShed spellings and games set each Monday; learning their times tables starting with the 2’s. 


We will no longer be using TT Rockstars and Mathletics. 



Rewards and sanctions

Our reward system will be on EdShed this year. These are similar to Dojos. The children have agreed on criteria for rewards and sanctions. 



PE Days

Pupils arrive at school in their outdoor PE kits- trainers, black tracksuit bottoms, plain white T-shirt, sweatshirt.

Year 3 - Tuesday and Friday



Thank you for your ongoing support and patience. 




Mrs Roberts & Mrs Wade-Jones