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It has been such a pleasure to get to know the children this week. We have already been so busy!!  


Your child has come home with their reading book today, Friday. Please read this with your child and then comment in their reading record so we know that they have read at home.


Please also look over their sounds/ words with them at the front of their record. We will assess these in school and highlight in pink once your child knows the sound. They will then progress to the next stage. 


Here is what we have been up to this week....

Enjoying performing in the amphitheatre.

Using Ribbons for Firework dancing.

Our Pretend Bonfire —— we kept very safe!!

Purple for Polio

Making chocolate apples for Bonfire Night 🍎🍎

Using our ICT skills to create some seasonal pictures.

Outdoor Learning

We have enjoyed looking at lots of different musical instruments. We had lots of fun making our own and performing to the class.

We had lots of fun meeting Lola the puppy. She even fell asleep on our knees.

We used glitter to see how germs can spread when you do not wash your hands.

Lots of counting and sorting. We used lots of Numeracy skills to do this.

A sunny afternoon ...... Means lots of Hill Rolling in Class 2

Sut wyt ti? Can you guess how we are feeling?