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This week the children have been looking at colours. They have been writing a sentence in their literacy books about their eye colour. They have enjoyed looking in mirrors and have been drawing their eyes. 

We have been singing lots of songs about Rainbows this week and some welsh songs too! We have been painting lots of rainbows using our understanding of all the welsh colours.

In Numeracy  this week we have been understanding one more of a number. We had to close our eyes and choose a number from the hat and write it down, we then had to write down the number that was one more of that number. We really enjoyed doing this!

Mrs Bentley was very proud of the children this week as they began to blend their sounds to read and spell!  Amazing ! 

We used lots of magnets to pick up paper clips. We then had to count the paperclips.

Next week is our last week before half term. The children have decided they would like investigate making Rainbows with Skittles and Chocolate Apples.

They helped Mrs Bentley to make a shopping list and said they had lovely apples at home to bring in. Yummy!


We will also be looking at number 8, Bonfire Night safety and counting one less than a number in Numeracy.

Have a lovely weekend! Keep dry 


Mrs Bentley and Mrs Fewtrell 




I am looking forward to seeing you all at Parent’s Evening.