Week Beg - 11.09.23 What are we learning this week???
What a super first week we all had last week! We have really enjoyed discussing what we would like to learn about this term with our new topic of ‘All Creatures Great and Small’ and have come up with some great ideas. In our topic sessions this week we are thinking about types of animals and classifying animals into groups e.g. mammals. We will be making a beautiful display with the pictures we have drawn. We are also thinking about what animal we would choose to be, giving reasons why! We will be talking about baby and adult animals and thinking about how they change over time.
In Literacy we will be looking at what makes a super sentence and focusing on using full stops and capital letters too. We will be putting our Welsh skills into practise by having a go at writing simple sentences about ourselves e.g. Tom ydw i, Dwi’n byw yn Hawarden.
In Maths, we are going to be looking at ordering numbers to 100 ( even beyond) and will be using the symbols < and > to compare numbers. We are hoping to have our iPads this week to explore the JIT5 programme and using it to collect data on our favourite animal. You can have a go at this at home too, just search for JIT5 on Google and you will have full access to it.
In Collective Worship and Health and Well-being we will be talking about fairness and respect and talking about our feelings. In music we will be listening to the ‘Carnival of Animals’ and trying to decide which animal the music is representing. We are hoping the sunshine stays with us a little longer so that we can go outside to create some of our own pieces of music using a range of instruments to make the sound of animals.
For our Assembly this week, Class 6 are learning the song 'Hello to all the children of the World'. Here is the video if you would like to practise at home too.