What we are learning - 11.03.24
This week we are celebrating British Science Week and this year is it's 30th anniversary! The theme for 2024 is - Time! As a school we will be carrying out lots of activities and investigations all around time! In year 2 we will be making our own pendulums and timing how long they take to stop swinging. We will be talking about science and drawing what we think a scientist looks like.
In Maths we will be looking at full, half and quarter turns both clockwise and anti-clockwise. When we ave mastered this skill we will then look at quarter past/to and half past on a clock. If you would like to practise time at home, have a look around your house to see what clocks you can find and if they are all the same. We will also be using the spheros to practise making full/half and quarter turns.
Friday is our school trip to Explore and we are super excited! Please can packed lunches be brought in a back pack. Children can come in their PE kits but must wear a school jumper.
Thursday - Children can come to school dressed in their World Book Day/Red Nose Day costumes.