Castell Caernarfon
W/b 15.1.24 Mod Roc Mardi Gras Masks!!! Not messy at all!!!
Y4 Class Organisation
Croeso i Flwyddyn 4!
Below you will find information about the day to day running of Year 4...we hope it helps.
Pupils will be given their Reading Log on Monday, this will be brought home on that day so parents can comment or sign the days that they have listened to or witnessed their child reading at home (this should be at least three times a week). These logs are to be brought back into school every Monday for teachers to monitor.
This year, we have introduced a new spelling program in the Upper School - EdShed, which has replaced Readiwriter. Pupils will be introduced to a new spelling pattern each week and use the online app during their guided reading lessons.Their Literacy Homework will be tasks to complete all eight games weekly and also complete their reading.
Maths homework will be set using Maths Shed. This is a new Numeracy program we are using in school. Again, eight games are expected to be completed. (Week commencing 11/9/23).
Rewards and Sanctions
This year we are continuing with the new reward scheme for pupils in KS2 that follows a similar structure to DOJOs - Ed Shed points. Pupils will receive points for positive attitude and behaviour, and will lose points for poor attitude and behaviour.
PE Days
Our PE lessons will be on a Monday and Friday.
Pupils arrive at school in their outdoor PE kits - trainers, black tracksuit bottoms, plain white T-shirt, sweatshirt.
Forest Schools information will be given at a later date.
Thank you for your ongoing support,
Miss Hughes and Mr Griffiths