Class 3
Class 4
This week has been another exciting on for Year 1. We have been invaded by superheroes
with incredible superpowers! Using one of our favourite Superheroes, the one and only
Supertato, we have been thinking about how stories are sequenced, the different characters
in stories and why do we like them.
We have also been working on a messy project using Modroc, moulds and ideas around
what superpower would we each have if we were a superhero. There will be another update
about this next week when things have had a chance to dry!
Our number work has been focused on discovering the order of numbers to 10, 20 and 100.
Some of the children have even made their own number lines.
Class 4 took part in their assembly where we discovered lots about memories. We have
talked about happy, sad and memories that make us feel a little bit mixed up. A big thank
you to you all who sent in photos and mementos of wonderful memories, it made the
assembly extra special.
And so, to next week. We will be learning more about Supertato and helping him by
designing him some new consumes. We will also be looking at ordinal numbers by creating
some of our own races. We will also be experiencing our first session of Forest School. And it
will be Class 3’s turn to lead our assembly.
Please remember your potato and wellies for next week. We would also take this
opportunity to remind you how important it is to make sure your child’s belonging are
labelled with their name as it makes getting things back to them so much easier.
As always, many thanks for all your support,
Mrs. Hughes and Mrs. Marten