This week we are ready for another busy busy week. We are starting to explore the story 'The Colour Monster' and talking about how our feelings can change and how we can support each other in the journey our lives take us on. We will be designing our own colour monsters and acting out stories with some colour monster puppets. This week we are going to take our learning outdoors to make some emotion faces using natural objects. Don't forget to bring a warm coat with you everyday.
In French we are exploring the greetings bonjour, salut, bonsoir, bonne nuit, comment t'applles tu? and je m'appelle...
In Maths we are learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. We are really good at counting in 10s so this week we will focus on 2s and 5s. Keep an eye out on Google classroom as we will post some songs and activities that we will be using in school to help us to learn these.
In our Topic session this week we will be looking at some Autumn objects/materials and discussing our thoughts and ideas for what we could learn about. We have Jackson's Animal Rescue Center visiting the first week back after half term so we are going to talk about how we can raise some funds to help the animals and start planning our charity sale.
On Tuesday (10th Oct) as a whole school we will be celebrating ‘Hello Yellow Day’. Please come to school dressed in your own clothes but with something yellow, this could be a yellow bow or yellow socks.