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What a wonderful week we have had learning all about Chinese New Year. We have loved making a class dragon for our display and drawing the animals from the Great Race story and writing their names in Chinese writing. We have explored Chinese music and created a lovely Chinese dragon dance. 
We have continued our work on data handling and tally marks and have also explored ordinal numbers, linking to our work on 'The Great Race'. We have continued to explore Welsh colours too. 
We have focused on sentence structure - reading words and sequencing them to create a correct sentence, recapping our work on capital letters and full stops too. 

Good Morning Year 1. Mrs. Marten has popped some activities up on Classroom for you to enjoy today. Here are they are too just in case.




We have been creating some wonderful story maps over the last couple of weeks! We would like you to retell the story of the Great Race today. You could make a book, simply write a retell of the story, create a story plan  or use a story map. Feel free to add pictures to your stories too. We are suggesting you use a story called Great Race but any favourite story will be amazing. We cannot wait to see them!



This week we have been looking at ordinal numbers as part of our work on Chinese New Year. The children have really surprised us with how well they remembered the order of the race. Can you use your soft toys/small world figures to have a race? Please choose between 5-15 characters and label their position in the race! We would love for you to send us a picture, drawing or a list of the results!


We have been really enjoying exploring Chinese New Year this week. Can you watch this wonderful video below and talk about the instruments you can see and hear? We would like you to compose a piece of simple music to go with the story of the Great Race using things around the house - this could be using pots and pans, pencils, cushions, tin foil, rice etc - be as creative as you can! Remember to explore making a variety of loud and quiet sounds! Please send us a video of your composition!